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    Sunday, January 15, 2012

    Artist uses resin to create beautiful 3D goldfish paintings

    For many of us, watching movies or TV in 3D either isn’t really of interest or causes us to have some serious headaches or feel sick. But 3D is being used in other ways to create some truly stunning artwork. One great example of this is the paintings of Riusuke Fukahori.
    Painting is a typically 2D affair, with paint being applied to a sheet of paper or canvas. But Fukahori has figured out a way to create 3D paintings by splitting his art across several layers and encasing them in clear resin.
    The solution is quite simple when you think about it. 3D is all about conveying depth. A flat image can convey depth, but Fukahori has worked actual depth into his work, with the finished paintings being a block of resin rather than a sheet of canvas.
    This visualization shows you Fukahori’s technique for building up a piece of 3D art:
    The best example of what is possible using this technique can be found in the video below. It’s a circular 3D painting representing a large tank full of goldfish. The acrylic paints are used to great effect to create realistic looking fish, but it’s the depth the resin layers allows for that takes this piece of art to a new level.
    Fukahori’s exhibition entitled “Goldfish Salvation” has unfortunately just ended at the ICN gallery in London. But hopefully he will be exhibiting in other locations before too long. His 3D paintings are too good not to be seen by more people.
    Visit Riusuke Fukahori’s website (translated) Images courtesy of Dominic’s pics on Flickr

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