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    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    Change the new Facebook chat sidebar back to the original

    chatsidebar thumb Change the new Facebook chat sidebar back to the original

    Many of you might have accidently clicked on the “try it now” and have been ‘rewarded’ with the new facebook  sidebar. Like me many of you might have found this new feature as confusing and useless as it doesn’t  shows all of your online friends. The “try it now” button is shown on every new page and shrunken facebook panel adds to your discomfort.
    Even though you wish to change the new Facebook chat sidebar back to the original , you might not find such an option.
    Go to https://www.facebook.com/presence/popout.php . This opens the facebook chat in a new window with old side style bar.
    If you are are Firefox user , bookmark this site and in the organize bookmark menu , check the option for displaying the bookmarks as sidebar.
    Another way to get the old facebook chat sidebar is by Installing “Facebook Chat Enhancer” add-on.

    Chrome Users

    If you are a Google chrome user , you can get back the original facebook chat sidebar by installing the Facebook Chat Enhancer add-on. After installing this add-on you will be able to see all of your online facebook friends.

    Firefox Users

    Firefox users need to install Grease monkey before installing this script. After installing the Grease monkey , you need to install the Facebook chat Enhancer plug-in for MozillaFirefox.

    The new facebook chat sidebar only provides room for 30 people. If you have more than that amount of people online you may not be able to see them all. So its better to migrate back to old facebook chat system.

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