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    Monday, January 30, 2012

    Magic Traffic Bot.. Price | $29.99, Value | Highly Questionable | Site Hacked SEO Free

    Discover The JUST RELEASED Secret of
    How To Generate A Massive Flood Of
    Targeted Traffic And Cash-In-Hand Visitors
    To ANY Website Each And Every Month
    Completely On Autopilot And…
    … 100% FREE!”
    Here’s a Post of how to use it:
    Ok first i’ll start off by saying Hello, just joined the board a few days ago and been lurking reading alot here. Glad to be here and hope to share any information I have as well as soak up any available.
    Secondly let do a simple review of ‘Magic Traffic Bot’ and if you are a fan of it you should stop reading now this isn’t a favorable review.
    I installed this ‘gem’ last night and from the instructions you are supposed to run a keyword search on google, let say for ‘DOGS’ copy the url from the google result page into the MTB and put the referrer link (your website) you want to ping.
    Now the premise behind this software is to generate pings or hits to all these websites and curious webmasters either link back to your website or at least visit it, generating you a bit more traffic. Ok that is fine and dandy and the basis of this program is sound and reasonable. And I agree with what it does and does it work, yes.
    On the other hand it is very poorly written, A little background into myself, I am a hobbist programmer who has written several application for the underground community in the past. Mostly working on projects dealing with http authentication, referrer spoofing, and various other server penatration techniques. Ok back to MTB it is poorly written because it uses a IE (Internet Explorer) web module. Is that all I have? Well no, it is a hidden module so you do not see what is happening in the background. Now the software visits each page injecting a fake referrer into the HTTP header, this method works, and is very simular to some cracking projects I was working on several years ago (mid/later 90′s) however since it is actually visiting the page through a IE window it also allows anything to come through.
    So I set this thing up ran it for about 30 mins hitting about 539 websites. About every 30sec I had to click a ‘javascript’ error box to continue. Where did this javascript error box come from? The websites themselves. I can live with a bit of an annoyance with some software if it works as intended ‘Most of the Time’. However the method this software uses to connect to each page is unacceptable. So after my mouse clicking finger gave out from canceling all the errors, I shut the program down.
    What came next you ask? Web bugs, Virii, Spamware, and Spyware. My Spybot Seek and Destroy started going haywire, every 3 secs a registery entry was coming in. The IE module this software uses allowed every spyware, spamware, and IE virus to enter my computer from all the pages it was pinging. It took me nearly 5 hours today to finally clean and disinfect my PC, and in the end had to do a complete system restore.
    In short there are better methods to accomplish what this software is doing, I might actually release a tool that does this correctly in the future. But my suggestion is to stay away from this software if at all possible.
    Sales Page:http://adf.ly/588Cs
    DOWNLOAD :http://adf.ly/588BK

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