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    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    Upgrade The Old facebook Comments Box For The New One in Blogger.

    Upgrade The Old facebook Comments Box For The New One in Blogger.
    Hi all, As we all know, facebook released an updated version of the comments plugin, with some great features, So all my loyal visitors who used the old tutorial was wondering how to upgrade the comments box without loosing the current comments,
    Actually I searched for the best and most simple solve for this upgrade and today i’m coming for you with one simple step,
    so here is how to do it.
    Please note: This post explain how to upgrade the comments box for the users who already installed it, If you want to install it from the beginning, Please follow this tutorial.
    Warning : Before you start applying any changes to your blogger template code, We encourage you to Backup it, by clicking on Download Full Template link.
    just go to your blogger account, and navigate to Dashboard >> design >> edit html , and check expand template widgets box, Now find the following code, ( It must be in your template if you are get the comments box through tutorial )
    And replace it with
    <script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/> <fb:comments migrated='1' 
    please make sure to copy all the code including the space after the code,
    Now click Save Template , that’s it,
    To read the new comments box features please read this tutorial.

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