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    Monday, December 26, 2011

    Facebook Ads: Best Tips To Drive More Traffic From it

    how facebook ads work? Facebook has been the largest social network and everyone is enjoying its day by day improving features and services. You must have been socializing there but do you think of ‘Making money online with facebook’? Have you been earning a lot from Google ads but unable to derive successfully campaigned facebook ads? May be it is because you are overlooking the basic differences between them. Keeping aside your experience with Google, we will give you some tips that can increase your revenue generated because of facebook ads. Note that you can advertise anything on Facebook, even your blogs in order to increase the number of your subscribers. It works great if you are running a contest on your blog and want more and more people to take part in it. For that,Facebook can be the best source of traffic because it provides you with relevant targeted users..
    You may like to find out how advertising works on face book.

    Type of visitors:

    Well, your primary success lies in remembering the fact that facebook is a social network and people are there to socialize, make new friends, announce what they like or dislike and other daily life events. In a nut shell, they are not there to buy ‘anything’. Therefore, an effort convincing them buy anything using all your advertising skills will make you suffer badly.

    Growth of community:

    Troubled? If one door is closed, look for the other hundred doors that are opened. And that’s exactly what will work there .Don’t convince them buy any product. Just make them ‘like’ any product and ‘share’ it. You can use this feature for the growth of a particular community; be it religious, political, ethical or racial. It can be a TV channel or a newspaper agency that aims to increase its popularity in masses.

    People are crazy about celebrities:

    It is a well experimented fact that people go crazy after celebrities. So if you are advertising for musical concerts or live shows; don’t forget to connect with celebrities’ fan pages. People there can be in a mood to buy tickets or at least sharing the event videos. In a broader sense, you can promote your events or products on fan pages.

    Test your campaign:

    It is a recommended practice to start your campaign at a small level and observe the results. If the results are satisfactory; go ahead. Else stop there and try something different. You may need to target your connections. Since facebook has a lot of valuable information such as age, gender, education, profession etc. You may use the list or group as your power, when it comes to targeting.

    Invite them to join:

    Do not redirect your visitors to other websites. A good practice is to present any freebie, when they visit your ad and then invite them to join your fan page. Of course, you will use all your presentation skills. Don’t make the visitor feel tiresome but make sure that you have delivered your specialties in their favorites.

    Beware! There can be a scam:

    Yes, facebook ads for free can be a scam. Interested in details? Check this video: 
    I hope these tips will help you make better use of your money to bring valuable traffic to your blog and increase your current subscriber count.

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