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    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    This tank-like iPhone case is perfect for outdoorsy Apple fans

    The iPhone is a slick, attractive device. It’s light, relatively small, and has an appealing combination of glass and steel. Have you ever wanted to take all of that and wrap it in a thick, heavy, camouflaged hunk of polycarbonate? No?? Well, in case you ever change your mind, a new Kickstarter project has you covered.
    Meet the new Aqua Tek S from Snow Lizard Products. It will take the smart design of your iPhone and hide it inside of a tank-like case that could be mistaken for an Autobot.
    It’s easy to mock the phone’s appearance, but there are plenty of good reasons to give your iPhone the Zack Morris treatment. What the Aqua Tek S lacks in svelte design, it makes up for in practical purpose. Hikers, campers, snowboarders, and extreme sports athletes will love it (Rollerman might be first in line).
    This bad boy will keep your iPhone protected from water (waterproof up to 20 feet). It will protect it from drops. The project’s creators even claim that it will shield it from dirt. It has an extended battery hiding inside, with a solar charger on the outside; under the right conditions, this could keep an iPhone charged for days (or longer?) without a power outlet.
    Despite its monstrous appearance, the Aqua Tek S could be a crucial accessory for a niche audience. It’s not as if anyone is going to put his iPhone in one of these to go to work or go shopping. It’s simply a way to take the device that you already use, and prepare it for your more extreme outings.
    The Aqua Tek S has raised $3,271 of its needed $75,000 with 24 days remaining. You can find out more at the Kickstarter link below.

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