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    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    CyberGate v1.04 tutorial.....!!!!!

    Hello, I’ve decided to write my own RAT tutorial and I thought I might just write it for CyberGate v1.04.
    hope you like it and give me suggestions on what to add.
    #Support+: I’m giving support to anyone who needs help. Just pm me or reply on this thread.
    #What is a RAT?-
    A RAT is a remote administration tool. It has many purposes, most importantly the power to gain access remotely to another user’s PC.
    First go to No-ip.com and click “Create Account”. After you have registered and confirmed your account Log in.
    After you have logged In, Click on “Add Host”
    [Image: 15nx98k.jpg]
    Once you click on that page it should redirect you to another page and follow what I’ve put in.
    Hostname: Is what your Hostname will be. Example.no-ip.biz
    [Image: id4poi.jpg]
    Then after you’ve done what I’ve said click “Create Host”
    Okay, now you have your own host! Now we need to get the no-ip client
    ###No-Ip Client###
    Click HERE to download the No-Ip Client.
    Now install it and log in with your No-Ip Account.
    Once you log in it should look like this.
    Now click the box next to your No-IP host. When you do it should look like mine.
    Okay, now your done with your No-IP Host/Client. Time to setup your RAT.
    ###RAT Setup###
    Click HERE to download CyberGate 1.04.
    After you download it extract it to your desktop and open CyberGate 1.04 it should look like this.
    [Image: 28iwbwg.jpg]
    Now click on: “Control Center” > “Start”. Then click on “Options” > “Select listening ports”
    [Image: 21awj1h.jpg]
    1. Once your there you will see a box with a arrow pointing to the left <–
    2. Put a port in the box and click the arrow. I’m going to be using 3737.
    3. After you’ve done that make your “Connections limit” 10,000.
    4. Then make your password something simple like “cybergate”
    Note: Your listening port password must be the same as your server password.
    Then click “Save”.
    [Image: o2zqr.jpg]
    Now let’s build your server!
    ###Building Server###
    1. Click “New”
    2. Then when a box pops up put whatever you want in that box example: Peek.
    3. Now your username should in the box on the left like mine: Peek
    4. Click “Forward”
    [Image: 2jdrzf9.jpg]
    1. Click “Add” and put in <– Put your port instead of mine if your using another port.
    Then click “Ok”
    2. Click “Add” and put in your Example.no-ip.biz:3737 <– Put your port instead of mine if your using another port.
    Then click “Ok” So mine would be: Peek.no-ip.biz:3737
    3. Leave Identification at what it is no need to change it.
    4. Under Identification it should say Password.
    Put whatever password you put into your listening port password.
    They must be the same like my listening port and server password are “cybergate”.
    [Image: 286ycfp.jpg]
    Now click Installation.
    1. Click “Install server”
    2. Click “System” that’s under “Installation directory”
    3. Click “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftware..Run”
    4. Click “HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware..Run”
    5. Click “PoliciesExplorerRun”
    6. Click “Active Setup” and click “Random” 5-10 times.
    7. Under directory on the right side of the screen leave it as install.
    8. For file name put “Svchost.exe”
    9. Leave “inject into” how it is.
    10. Click “Persistence” & “Hide file” & “Change creation date”.
    11. For Mutex click “Random” 5-10 times.
    [Image: 2cz3cx3.jpg]
    After that click on “Create Server” since everything after Installation is fine how it is.
    [Image: 2qmdabs.jpg]
    You’ve create your server! Yay!
    Now we need to do Portfowarding.
    1. Go to Start > Run > CMD and in CMD type: Ipconfig.
    2. Look for “Default Gateway” Or “Standard Gateway”.
    It’s usually
    3. Now open up your Internet Browser (Firefox, chrome, internet explorer etc.) and put in your default gateway number (the 10 numbers).
    4. Now login (Router: Username and Password)
    5. You should be at your router page. Look for Portforwarding or Applications and gaming. – It’s different since we have different routers those are just two examples
    6. Now once your at your Portfowarding page put in the following.
    -Application- “CyberGate”
    -Start- Your port #Example: 3737
    -End- Your port #Example: 3737
    -Protocol- Click “Both” you need “TCP” and “UDP” for your rat to work.
    -IP Address- put in the last 3 numbers of your IP address you can find this
    by going to start>run>cmd>type in ipconfig and find IP address should be the first one.
    -Enable- Click the box.
    7. Now click “Save” and “Apply”.
    8. Go to Canyouseeme.org and put in the port you are going to use and press “Check”
    9. If it says “Success: I can see your service on [Your IP] on port (Your Port)
    Your ISP is not blocking port (Your port).
    Now your done! You have successfully PortForwarded and built your rat + server now you can start to spread your server, but I recommend getting it FUD before doing so.
    What is FUD? FUD; Fully undetectable. You need your server to be FUD so no Anti-Virus’s detect your server and block it.
    How can I get my server FUD? You need to get a crypter.
    How can I crypt my server? You can either buy one from a Trusted member or you can use a public one. I recommend trying out the public ones and seeing how good they do before buying. Also, they need to be runtime + scantime.
    Where can I find a crypter? HERE
    Here is a CyberGate crypter.
    *Remember* Try your server on yourself after you crypt it to make sure
    your crypter didn’t corrupt it.
    What is runtime + scantime?
    Runtime = When program is running
    Scantime = Program being scanned
    How can I bind a program to my RAT?
    Just use a binder that you like and that works.
    I recommend on using this binder.
    Find more binders here.
    Thank you, for reading and hope this helps! If you have any questions or suggestions please reply to this thread or pm me!

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